Give feedback & Receive a gift!

Hi friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Though we are still in the 80s here in Northern Virginia, I can feel the distant nip of Fall coming. It's my favorite season, all full of color and coziness, (don't hate me, you perpetual summers out there). With two little dears starting preschool this Fall, the upcoming change of season is turning a new leaf for us whether we want to or not. Fortunately, our twins are both really excited, (which makes all the difference to me). All of you parents out there with kids starting school, (whether it's pre-K, leaving for college, or any year in between), I'm praying for you and your children; that it's a smooth transition into a new year, a smooth change of pace from summer, and for hearts full of hope looking at the school year ahead.

It feels so fitting to be turning a new chapter on the blog front as we approach a change of season. With Cate and I working on building our new site, StyleMutt, we are taking time to inspect all the areas of how we can be a top-notch resource in the DIY world. In order to cover the elements that are the most important to you, we would really appreciate your feedback!

Please leave a comment below and let us know what you would really like to see on Style Mutt. Or tell us what you've appreciated the most from Chelsea's Garage, or what you'd have liked to see more of.

The first nine to leave feedback will receive a special gift! I ordered an entire book of beautiful botanical color plates to frame and put around our home, share with friends, and give away as gifts. My little ones helped me choose 9 gorgeous, and varying pages for this special giveaway, (each color plate will fit an 8 x 10 frame). All you need to do is leave a comment with your feedback, your choice of color plate by number, (so before you leave a comment just check which numbers have been taken in previous comments), and email me at with your mailing address! Your gift will arrive soon. :)

Thank you so much for helping us build StyleMutt! Your feedback is so necessary and valuable to us; can't wait to see what you have to say!


This post was published under Chelsea's Garage, now affectionately known as StyleMutt.
