Wool + Twig || A Small Business Collaboration

It's no secret that our generation is flooded with entrepreneurial fervor.  By the time I graduated college, a large chunk of my peers entered the workforce with a "side hustle" or two to make ends meet in a bleak economy.  We at StyleMutt Home firmly believe that small businesses should band together instead of compete against each other because...

A rising tide lifts all boats
— John F. Kennedy

Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for the large businesses that we've partnered with over the past.  But it's these small businesses that really make some serious magic happen with nothing more than their personal grit and determination.  So it's even more titillating (yes I said it) when you can combine some serious small-business-sized forces to do something really, really fun.

Wool + Twig

Vintage Rugs

Brittney Rossie

Brand and Business Strategy

The Silk Mill

Event Venue in Fredericksburg, VA

StyleMutt Home

Furniture + eDesign

So what do you get when a curated rug vendor, a brand and business coach, an epic factory venue, and yours truly band together in support of each other?  A beautiful display of small business collaboration and...

a really, really fun photoshoot


A while back, my dear friend and business guru Brittney Rossie connected us to a new small business in our area to see how we at StyleMutt home could help them grow.  An email brainstorming session later, we had cooked up this cockamamie scheme to do a photoshoot to promote overall brand exposure and also exercise our collective creative muscles.  

But to do such a photoshoot, you need an epic location.  And I new just the place...

The Silk Mill


which also happed to be my wedding venue

With such a large factory space, we could easily set up some fun vignettes featuring our products:


The rugs were obviously the star of the show.


But one of our made-to-order benches in camel + nude did get to play a supporting role to those delicious imported rugs and kilim pillows.


As if the opportunity to play with some gorgeous rugs wasn't enough, Aly from Wool + Twig was a HOOT to work with!  She was seriously up for anything - including some fun headshots.


Both with and without her actual head lol


Scroll through these images to see just some of her amazing inventory:

After seeing her carefully curated collection in person, I couldn't help but bring home another pillow child.


We certainly had a lot of fun behind the scenes


And I'm not ashamed to admit I did a few carpet angels the first chance I got...  They were soooooo plush....


But the fun doesn't stop here.  Wool + Twig was generous enough to offer us stylemutts a juicy discount for 3 days only!

Shop Wool + Twig

Shop Wool + Twig

Just click the image to shop her entire inventory and enter the code STYLEMUTT at check-out to get 30% off your purchase!  Happy rug and pillow shopping mutts!

Photo Mar 12, 12 06 31 PM.jpg

Simply Set, Fully Enjoyed || A Holiday Collaboration with Carthage Co.

Hello and Happy Thanksgiving, Friends! We hope you have been able to enjoy time with those near and dear to you and that your hearts are feeling full. We are delighted to continue the celebrating on here with you today through a partnership with a wonderful company who is hosting a giveaway!

Allow us to introduce you to  Carthage Co., an ethically responsible company creating beautiful stoneware with local manufacturers in North Africa.

We're proud to work with local manufacturers that employ and empower their communities with dignity and equity. We believe in sustainable entrepreneurial growth that would rather partner with, than compete against.  -Carthage Co.

So their ethics are sound, but what about their pieces? Well, my photos don't do the beauty and quality of their products justice, but take a gander at some pieces I've had the pleasure of getting my hands on these past few weeks.

What I find so beautiful about these pieces is their quiet presence on our table. I don't want anything to distract from the faces that gather here. I desire for everyone to be able to see one another, to talk to each other and pass dishes around with ease, so I keep centerpieces simple and to a minimum. When I set my table it is with one purpose in mind - togetherness.

Carthage Co. stoneware dishes support that goal with pieces that are beautifully simple, uniquely designed, and allow quality time to happen around them.


-Pitcher in 'Rose' (10 colors available)


-La Marsa Dinner Plate in 'Chalk' (5 colors available)
-La Marsa Dessert Plate in 'Muslin' (5 colors available)


As I have gotten older I've come to appreciate a few things I once took for granted: higher quality pieces for my home, raw beauty straight from this earth, and most of all, time with those I hold close to my heart. If you've spotted something of interest, (whether for you or someone else), or you resonate with Carthage Co.'s mission, I invite you to enter a Giveaway they are graciously offering the StyleMutt Home community for a $50 gift card to their shop! Please leave a comment below of a special item you've spotted in their shop that's piqued your interest - your comment will be your entry. Entry closes at midnight tonight so this is a quick one, guys!

Winner will be announced in this post tomorrow, so if you enter be sure to come back tomorrow to check the results! And whether you see your name or not, all are welcome to use the discount code STYLEMUTT15 for 15% off their entire order now through December 5!

Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by today! Have a wonderful rest of your holiday weekend!


Mariella's Glamorous Home Base

Our next StyleMutt Spaces feature is a true treat. Mariella, originally from Lima, Peru, has graciously welcomed us into her home. And it could not be any clearer that this is Mariella's sanctuary. That is, if said sanctuary were black, white, and BOLD. 

If you take some time to look closely at the way Mariella has put together her house, one thing will become very clear. Her style is seriously her own. I asked Mariella a couple of questions about how she finds inspiration, and let me tell you - she does not disappoint. 

My decor is a mix of influences, places I’ve visited, dramatic color palettes and mostly the places where we come from. I’m Peruvian and my husband is Persian. Mirrors and gold are part of our cultural heritage!

There is no fear in this space. I don't see a single ounce of hesitation, or trepidation, or 'but is this what everyone is doing these?' concerns. 

I don’t believe in trends - except for wallpaper being back, which is just wonderful! When we moved into this apartment, there was a huge red ‘accent wall’ covering the dining and living room. It was awful, and I immediately knew we needed to start with a neutral palette and build the room from there. Everything can and should be adapted to create a space that feels truly yours. Paint is one of your best allies.

Now, time for three rhetorical questions that I just need to throw into the universe: (1) How can black possibly look so bright? I know I live in a basement but STILL. (2) Can we talk about the rope art? You know that Chelsea and Cate are the masters of DIY, and I think this is something we need to quickly add to our StyleMutt roster! (3) Is anyone else sad that watermelon season is almost over? See: those cocktails on the table. Nailed it, Mariella! 

At the end of the day, this space is timeless - and Mariella's final words are some to live by. 

I adore sophisticated glamorous spaces. I believe everyday is important and should be celebrated.

Thank you for inviting us into your home. For more inspiration on how to 'Hollywood glamify' (I made that up... does it work?) your own home, follow Mariella along on Instagram at @splendorstyling or on her blog.

See you next week!